License 2006-2009 |
License 2009-2014 |
Contract |
Details of missing person |
Subject Details |
Here you see our official documents and contract form with company details.
- We worked since 2006 year;
- Membership in famous and serious associations as World Association of Detectives, you can see us there and Association of Russian Detectives, please see;
- Our partners and clients not only private persons from one town, but big companies and people all around the world;
- We always work with written agreement (contract) and we never ask 100% prepayment - client must be sure, that we have motive to finish his case;
- Our staff doesn't know client's name or other details, you communicate only with head of Agency;
- All reports and documents from client we liquidate right after end of you case.
Also please note, that if you want to find someone, or discover any information about somebody - please download and fill in blanks "Subject details" or "Details of missing person" above. Then send it to us by email - it's more effective to understand situation and you won't forget something.